In today's world most people's bodies fluids are more acidic than they should be. This is the direct result of poor diet (heavy in sugar, soft drinks, excess protein, and refined carbohydrates), dehydration, stress, and environmental pollutants. Each of these contributes to acidosis - and unfortunately also to disease and premature aging.
Besides the consequences mentioned above, acidosis reduces your body's ability to absorb minerals and nutrients. It reduces energy production and slows cellular regeneration. Acidosis is responsible for hardening of the arteries and it makes you more susceptible to fatigue and illness.
In an overly acid body, maintaining normal blood pH is difficult. Sometimes your body has no choice but to pull alkaline minerals from organs and other tissues - as well as bones and teeth.
According to Dr. Dave Carpenter - a naturopathic and acupuncturist with over 20 years of clinical experience the pH level in the human body is critical - especially in your blood.
The pH range that is considered to be normal for blood is between 7.30 and 7.45.
Blood pH is a direct indicator of how much oxygen is available for your cells.
Lack of Oxygen and the resulting metabolic acidosis is a component of just about every disease we know.
Nobel prize - winning research in the 1930s and the 1940s by Dr. Otto Warburg revealed that cancer could not live in an oxygen - rich environment.
His research provided evidence that oxygen - starved cells switch to another mechanism for producing energy - one that does not require oxygen and one that is capable of surviving in an acidic environment.
Since his original research, most disease has been linked with the lack of oxygen and the build-up of acidic wastes.
Blood with a pH of 7.3 is also thinner than blood with a more acidic pH. Acid is partially responsible for blood clotting. A lower blood pH means thicker blood that is more difficult to pump. Both dehydration and low blood pH are now linked with high blood pressure.
Taking responsibility for the fish bowl
Everyone has seen a fish bowl that needs cleaning. Slime builds up on the glass and wastes cloud the water. The longer you wait to clean the bowl, the more difficult the task becomes, and the greater the chance of losing the fish. In this analogy, the fish is you, and the cleanliness of the fish bowl is an indicator of your health. Ultimately, you are the only one who can take responsibility for keeping the fish bowl clean and for keeping the fish alive.
Water is the foundation of every health care program. Since you are 75% water, drinking he best water you can find is a big part of keeping your fish bowl clean. Drinking restructured, ionized alkaline water is the easiest single thing you can do to keep the pH balance in your body.
- Ionized Water has an alkaline pH which can help keep your body chemistry in balance and keep your tissues from hardening due to acidosis.
- Ionized Water is structured water. That means it will hydrate your body faster and more efficiently than any other water.
- Ionized Water has an excess number of electrons that can neutralize the free radicals responsible for pain, inflammation, and many symptoms.
- Ionized Water will also aid in the efficient removal of toxins and wastes. It will almost be like you have installed a filtration system in your "fish bowl".
It literally turns your faucet into a fountain of youth.
Water is so simple and so basic that it is easy to overlook when you consider the factors that determine health or illness. Yet it is often the simplest factors that can make the biggest differences. Water is the very foundation for life and it cannot be overlooked if you intend to experience vibrant health!
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