The Simple Key to Living Longer and Staying Healthier

You may probably know that having a balanced body pH can ward off diseases and help you live longer.

And that may get you wondering if you can balance it.

Because half of the food we eat on a daily basis are acid boosters. They acidify your body, without you even knowing it.

What if someone told you there could be an answer to your problem?

So that you are in full control of what you ingest and are well aware what it will do to your body?

The answer, alkaline diet!

Okay, so what’s an alkaline diet?

In simple terms, it’s the name for food that help keep the pH level of your body fluids on check. Sometimes they are referred as acid ash diet, alkaline ash diet or even acid alkaline diet.

Why An Alkaline Diet?

You see, your body is constantly maintaining a balanced pH level of about 7.4.

In the words of the Forbes Magazine, “Our bodies go to extraordinary lengths to maintain safe pH levels.”

Now, this level constantly fluctuates depending on factors like how you frequently have a bath, the time of the day and when you last consumed food.

But the most important of all and that you can control is…

The diet you consume!

And here’s the thing:

With an increase of CO2 deposition over the years, pH levels of most life supporting systems like the ocean and soil have dropped. You can already guess what this means to the foods we eat: increased acidic effects in them.

What Acidity Does to Your Body

When your body pH drops (when acidity), your kidney uses electrolytes like calcium, magnesium and chloride to counter acidity.

And when there are not enough of these electrolytes, your body has to take desperate measures like tapping calcium from your bones!

The effects? Accelerated aging, loss of bone mass to name a few.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Because with an alkaline diet, you kiss these drastic effects goodbye.

4 More Benefits of An Alkaline Diet

1.     Lowering chronic pain. A study by the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements in Germany confirmed this.

2.     Slows aging by boosting growth hormone production.

3.     Improved vitamin absorption and increased magnesium (an important electrolyte)

4.     Maintaining a lean muscle

Now, these may get you asking…

What Are The Foods That Make an Alkaline Diet?

Here are 6 Healthy and Easily Available Alkaline Foods

1)    Fresh fruits and veges. Talk of tomatoes, avocado, cabbage, cucumber, water melons, spinach, just but a few.

2)    All foods in their raw form. Light steam the foods you can’t in raw form.

3)    Green drinks. These are drinks made from the power form of green vegetables grasses. They contain chlorophyll, an alkalizing factor.

4)    Plant proteins. Especially the beans- almonds, lima beans and others.

5)    Alkaline water. There is no better way to top up your alkaline diet than with a glass of alkaline water. And to lift off the burden of having to look for it or make it yourself, 'Enagic' made 'Kangen Water' for you.

I explain everything about Kangen alkaline water on my website.

To help you choose the best alkaline food for your body, there are important tips that can help you make the best selection:

3 Tips For Selecting The Best Alkaline Diets

a.     Prefer the organic alkaline foods. The soil your food is grown can influence the foods vitamin and mineral content. Organic foods are grown on organic soils hence more alkalizing.

b.     Avoid animal proteins- they increase acidity, not lowering it.

c.     Test your pH level (optional). If you are curious to see the magic of the alkaline diet, measure your pH level with pH strips purchase purchasable in your local food store or pharmacy. Test yourself just before you start your alkaline diet period.

By keeping check of what you consume- by selecting alkaline diets, you are signing up for a longer and healthy life in a world that constantly threatens to shorten our life span.

So, why not start now!? 😊
